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The Treasure of the Black Pearl
escape game

Ahoy, me hearties!

Since our Captain has been replaced by the terrible Captain Redbeard, life has become a living hell!

Tired of his wickedness, you attempted a mutiny, but luck was not on your side. You are now locked in the ship's hold, awaiting your execution at dawn. 

But don't despair! You still have a chance to escape and take your revenge by stealing the treasure! 

The treasure ofthe black pearl

~60 minutes

from 6 to 70 years old

from 2 to 6 people

needs some agility (easy climbing and crawling required)

Price : from 130.-

English and French

Children under 15 must be accompanied (max 2 children per adult)

Book by e-mail at  or online :

The Treasure of the Black Pearl

Best way to have fun with friends, colleagues and do a team building!

For groups of up to 18 people.

For groups of up to 6 people we can design an escape room followed by an aperitif or pirate game.

For groups of up to 18 people we can offer you a pirate 🏴 ☠️ adventure  that will test your colleagues' skills of agility, strategy, teamwork and memory!

Example of a team building for 18 people:

Divided into 3 groups, for about 2h30 your group will be confronted with the riddles of the escape game "Black Pearl's Treasure" and a challenge game.


Planning :

  • (5 min)  Arrival, briefing, separation into 3 groups

  • (Approx. 40 min)  Group 1 - escape game Black Pearl's Treasure, Group 2 and 3 - strategy and pirate memory challenge games

  • (approx. 5min) break all together with syrups (chips and flutes optional) - reload of the escape

  • (Approx. 40 min)  Group 2 - escape game, Group 1 and 3 - challenge games

  • (Env. 5min) pause

  • (Approx. 40 min)  Group 3 - escape game, Group 1 and 2 - challenge games

Thus, after two and a half hours, everyone will have had the chance to experience the escape game and practice a competition between pirate teams worthy of a team building!


Request your personalized event!

For more information and reservations: or whatsapp +41 77 472 07 17

The Treasure of the Black Pearl
birthday party

Our birthday “The Treasure of the Black Pearl” is the best pirate's adventure for boys and girls from 6 to 14 years old!

At the end of their escape game they will find a chest with a treasure where you can hide some presents for them ! 


For a group of 4 to 7 children

Birthday Escape Game
The birthday begins with about an hour of escape game where the children are accompanied by a pirate (game master) followed by an hour of rental of the birthday room (under parents surveillance).
For a maximum of 7 children the price of the two hours of birthdays is 340.-.



For a group from 8 to 14 children

Birthday Escape Game & Animation (choice of animation : Balloon Sculpture (any age, but best up to 8 years old) or Pirate adventure and strategy Game ( best from 8 years old up to adults - running, memory and strategy game))
Children will be decided into two groups of maximum 7 and will alternate in order to do both animations :
- 30 to 40 minutes Escape Room "The Treasure of Black Pearl" with a Pirate Game Master
- 30 to 40 workshop for making swords and other essential objects for pirates in balloon sculpture or challenge each other in a great Adventure Pirate Game with a Pirate Animator!
- 40 to 60 minutes of rental for the two groups gathered in the birthday room for the cake and opening of the gifts (under parents surveillance) .
The rate for these two-hour anniversary in the Dreams Factory premises with two pirates animators/ games masters is 490.- for up to 14 kids.


For a group from 15 to 21 children

Birthday Escape Game & Pirate adventure Game 
Children will be divided into three groups of maximum 7 and will alternate in order to do both animations :
- One group Escape Room "The Treasure of Black Pearl" with a Pirate Game Master
- Two groups will challenge each other in a great Adventure Pirate Game with a Pirate Animator!

- After each 30 to 40 minutes one group will alternate to do the escape game so that each one would have the opportunity to live the two great Pirate adventures !
- 40 to 60 minutes of rental for the three groups gathered in a bigger party room for the cake and opening of the gifts (under parents surveillance) .
The rate for these two and a half hour anniversary in the Dreams Factory premises with two pirates animators/ games masters for 15 to 21 kids (2h30 + bigger party room) is 735.- 



- Bring us the candy bags to be placed in the final pirate chest at the latest 30 minutes before the game (without children) or one or few days before

- Print out the invitations cards (print double-sided)

- Invite all guests to come dressed up as pirates ant tell them to come on time not to miss the ship !

Options without the pirate birthday room: you can deduct 80.- from the price of the package if you do not wish to take advantage of an hour of rental of the birthday room.

Additional options :

- Cake : two level Cake Forêt Noire 70.-

- Chips and flutes : 3.- per person

- Beverages (water, syrups) : - 5.- per person

- Table set (glass, dish, fork, napkin) : - 6.- per person

- Second hour birthday snack  surveillance & service by an animator : 80.-

- Full Package with Cake (forêt noir 2 levels)+ Chips & Flutes + Beverage + Table set + Second hour service + free birthday photos send by WhatsApp = 240.- for 7 or 290.- for 14 children

- Only escape for Children with the Pirate Game Master without the second hour = normal escape price + 80.-

More info and reservation :

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